Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm trying not to distract her by making any noise or any sudden movements. Luckily I've been typing something else for a while so the keyboard strokes are not distracting her. Who? Oh, I mean, Ada. A few minutes ago she waddled over to the table at which I'm sitting and helped herself to one of the tissues in the pile I keep everpresent beside me (trees. allergies. a nasty business.). She did her usual shtick of wiping her nose while blowing out of her mouth. I turned back to my screen and she waddled off. Have I mentioned that she finally started walking? It's been a couple of weeks now, thank G-d. She really is doing pretty well. But, I digress. A moment ago, I looked up to see what she's up to. There she is, sitting on the floor, with a doll. The doll is wearing only a shirt (the dolls in our house are usually dressed quite minimally if at all). Ada is using the tissue to carefully wipe her, giving her baby a "diaper change"! Precious moments.


LittleBirdies said...

Don't you love how they try to blow their noses by blowing through their months. I crack up every time I see it at home.
PS Ayelet, you inspired me

Ayelet said...

CB - good to see you! Remind me to drop by your place every now and then - I get so forgetful. Love your handle by the way.

PsychoToddler said...

Don't you wish you had a video cell phone like me?

Ayelet said...

PT- Oh, please. I never even remember to charge my cell phone let alone find it at the moment I need it. I do not have a handy utility belt.

J-thinker: Welcome! Like I said, precious moments. No one understands it as much as another parent :)