This next shot is from my couch. That rainbow was on my living room ceiling! I kid you not. Mordechai noticed it and I just ran for the camera, hoping to capture it. It was hard to do - the lighting was not working at all and the ceiling had this grayish white cast to it that was just awful. Plus there's that distracting "scribble" of light on the ceiling - I have no idea how that happened! - that was unavoidable. I have no cool photo software, either. All I did was bump up the saturation a notch on Picasa.

that is a gorgeous sunset! and you can kinda see the city buildings all the way in the distance on the horizon. are you moving from that apartment?
quite impressive to get a rainbow appearing in your living room :) the squiggle of light looks as if it is a result of the actual object the light was refracting through.
She likes it! Sarah - As for moving, I'm looking for sponsors. I need a house! Seventh floor, two bedrooms, three kids, etc. It's getting tight. No immediate plans though.
Those are really nice! Reminds me of the view from a lunchroom nearby... :)
It's much nicer than the view from my living room, though seeing all the little Chof Chaim kids playing is cute once in a while.
If you're really thinking about moving, and are staying in the neighborhood, someone just gave me a tip on a 3BR nearby (a friend is looking). It could be it's not suitable for the friend, but maybe right for you...
Stupid me. SIL and my bro just asked if I know anyone looking to move, one of the families above them is leaving. Wow, that was really forgetful...
if i hear of anything i'll let you know! not that it's likely, me being in australia :P
Ezzie - don't beat yourself up. We're not looking to move into another apartment. I need a house that I can afford. How's that for an oxymoron?
Outstanding sunset, just gorgeous. How can anyone ever doubt that there was and is a constant creator!!! The only nicer sunset that I've experienced, was daily from our porch in Har Nof overlooking ramot and mevarseret zion. By the way, you are some Photographer!!! Kudos, and thanks for sharing..L, mema
Ayelet- I am officially commenting ;)
Thanks, mema. Adina - the depth and insight of your comment are overwhelming! I can hardly handle it. Maybe you should slow down a bit ;)
No, just surprised I forgot because they mentioned it to me either yesterday or 2 days ago. My guess is above them is affordable, and it's *in* a house... does that count?
ayelet, great photo.
Hi, rebecca. I have a Canon (A95?). I love it. The only drawback is its size. I went with a non-compact because I had a hard time handling the really small ones without shaking. So it doesn't exactly fit in your pocket the way some cams do. The video clips you see on the blog are mostly taken with this camera.
As for Picasa (one "s"), it's a very user-friendly photo program that's free from the makers of Google. My favorite thing about it is the way it organizes your pictures so neatly and allows you to browse through them as if you were looking at an open album (easier actually!) Check it out at picasa.com.
Ari- is that really you? Thanks for dropping by :)
those pictures are gorgeous.
(accidently dropped in from dovbear)
like your blog.
Rebecca - isn't snapfish online? Picasa is a program you download to your computer. Don't take my word for it - check it out!
Halfnutcase - Ahhh. No such thing as an accident, you know. So glad G-d sent you here :) Hope you visit again!
It's so totally safe. He will get over his cow as soon as he meets picasa. Trust me. Besides, you can always blame me. I'll take the rap.
oh, shoot! I'm going away for the summer! phooey. I love parties.
pool party? double phooey. Camp Dora Golding (boys) - Dovid's working :) yay!
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