Monday, December 19, 2005

Summer Days

The chill has been getting into my bones. Nothing like going through your summer family pictures to warm the soul - except chicken soup, of course. Oh, and hot cocoa, and fresh-baked chewy chocolate chip cookies, and ...

From Tante P.'s garden:

At Philadelphia's Please Touch Me Museum:

In Dutch Wonderland (an absolute must for young kids - not a whine all day guaranteed!):

At the Crayola store:

The Philadelphia Zoo:

Breath-taking sampling of the animal kingdom. Recommended for all ages.

Classic. Drippy ice cream cones on Savta's porch:

The local park:

At the new aquarium in Camden, NJ - another must see:

That is a hippo - awesome!

A view of Philadelphia from Camden:

The ever-popular ball pit at the former Oobah Doobah:

At Miriam Bornstein's wedding:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for the almost weekly summer BBQ's, sunny late afternoons, Mordechai with insect repellent, Sari giggling between bites of hamburger, Ada sitting on Eli or Kiva's lap, and yum yum tasty food served by Zaydee.
How many more days till summer? Love, immms